The sound of music is something Teagan has been affected with, for as long as we can remember. We first noticed it at age 2 when he was seemingly having seizure-like episodes every time he watched "The Wiggles". Of course, for those parents who have been forced to watch hours upon hours of "The Wiggles" will know that their shows and movies are packed with musical numbers. Which isn't a problem, we love them (or did, until they replaced Greg - that new guy sucks!). But ever since, different types of music, or something in the music, affects Teagan. Sad songs will make him so physically and emotionally upset that no amount of consoling will suffice. Other songs, and this isn't restricted to specific types of music, it's a wide variety of music, so it must be something in the music, a tone, a beat, who knows!, that causes these seizure-like episodes.
Last year, I tried talking to him about these episodes, to see if he was aware that he is having them, or if he could explain how they feel, and he said, "The music is in my blood." And that's probably exactly how it feels to him. Because of his sensory issues, I feel this is probably the best description for how he feels when these things happen to him. If someone feels like the music is in his or her blood, what else could they do but overstimulate and try to reset his or her system?
We have tried for nearly 7 years now to get these episodes diagnosed, but after EEG's, video EEG's, 24 hour video surveillance, MRI's, and various other tests, nobody can explain it. I honestly believe it is a form of Epilepsy called Musicogenic Epilepsy. My mother and I researched this, and it's the only thing we can come up with. It only happens with music, and not all music, but most.
You want to know what doctors have told us? We explained that it happens a lot during movies and shows he likes, and always in the car when the radio is on. They said, "Don't let him watch Thomas the Tank Engine" or "Don't let him listen to the radio." Seriously? Basically, they are asking us to take music away from Teagan, and he loves music. We all do in this family, music is a big part of our lives. We aren't musically inclined, but we do enjoy music with everything we do, and a wide range of musical genres, so taking music away from him is like taking away all of his toys because they might have small parts he can choke on. Of course, he's too old for that, but seriously... take away music and movies he loves? Not going to happen. Unless of course, we get definitive proof that the music is causing him mental or physical pain or adversely affecting him, we will not take it away. I really hate doctors.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Sound of Music
Happy Father's Day!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Please visit the website I built for my step-father & husband's business.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Daily Holiday - June 11
Friday, June 10, 2011
Daily Holiday - June 10
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Daily Holiday - June 9
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Daily Holiday - June 8
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Daily Holiday - June 7
Monday, June 6, 2011
Daily Holiday - June 6
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Daily Holiday - June 5
Today is World Environment Day! We love our world, let's keep it safe and clean while we can!
It is also Hot Air Balloon Day! So what if it's full of hot air? It's still a hot mess of fun!
Media Player Issue
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Daily Holiday - June 4
It is also Do-Dah Day (Salute to Silliness)!
Live a day in your child's mind. Let loose and get your silly on! You will love it, trust me! I still haven't grown up.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Daily Holiday - June 3
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Autism & Grief - Take 2?
On the day I had already posted the "Autism & Grief" post, Teagan had a complete meltdown that came out of nowhere, and not about what you would expect when thinking about the people he normally grieves for. We were at my mom's house, and we were setting the table for dinner, and I happened to look down into her dog's water bowl and saw a 3 inch millipede, which is just about the ugliest bug ever, by the way. So, without freaking Teagan out (he hates nearly all bugs and completely freaks out), I had my mom look at it. We were trying to figure out how it got in there, when Teagan caught wind of something going on, and came in to investigate. I had already scooped out the bug and put it into the trash, and he saw it in there and starting freaking out, but not in the normal way. He was crying about it being a "baby millipede orphan" and begging me not to put trash on top of it, so it could breathe. I explained to him that it was dead, and where I had found it, but he was completely irrational and insistent that I not put trash on it. He was so distraught over this dead bug, it was really starting to concern both my mom and I.
So after about 10 minutes of him crying and fussing over this dead thing, and me trying to tell him it was dead, it wasn't breathing, and him telling me, "You don't have to yell at me," in a sulky voice (I did not yell at him, I was just trying to explain the situation to him), I decided it was time to take the trash out and be rid of this bug for good. He followed me out crying and begging me not to throw him away, and could we take him home for a pet so he wouldn't be an orphan anymore, and I had had just about enough of this.
So I told him I would say a eulogy for him, but then we were going to have to throw the trashbag in the can. So, the eulogy went something like this, "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to say goodbye to Brother Millipede, whose life was tragically and quickly ended when he tried to take a swim in Abbey's waterbowl, and forgot he couldn't swim. He is survived by Teagan, who was probably his only friend."
Funny to me, but obviously the situation was heart-wrenching for Teagan, and it was just very sad to see him so upset over something so small and insignificant, or at least it was to me. Needless to say, we are searching for a new therapist for Teagan, because I don't think we are capable of successfully handling these types of situations in a way that he is able to understand.
Daily Holiday - June 2
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Daily Holiday - June 1
Kick off those shoes!
Let those toes breathe!