These are papers I wrote for college about Teagan and his disabilities. There is a lot of good information in these, and I thought I would share them. Just click on the titles to view the actual papers. Please respect my generosity, and do not copy these papers and submit them as your own. Thank you.
A Mother's Worst Nightmare
A paper about Teagan getting diagnosed and the struggles we had with his doctors and adjusting to the new Teagan.
To "Stim" or Not To "Stim"
A paper about Dysfunction of Sensory Integration (a.k.a. Sensory Processing Disorder, Sensory Integration Disorder), and the differences between normally developed children and children affected by Dysfunction of Sensory Integration.
Homework Headaches
A paper about the struggles with getting children with special needs to complete homework, and some helpful tips that may make it a little less frustrating.