Thursday, October 27, 2011

The History of the Witch's New Year

     We all know what Halloween is.  Kiddies dressing up as ghoulies and goblins, princesses and princes, Star Wars and Yo Gabba Gabba! characters, hopping from house to house to get treats of chocolate and sugary-sweet deliciousness.  But did you know that the origin of the word "Halloween" comes from "All Hallows Eve", the day before Pagans (and Catholics surprisingly) honor the passing of loved ones on All Saints' Day.
     Did you also know that All Hallows Eve is called the Witch's New Year?  Do you even know what a witch is?  And no, I'm not talking about broom-riding, wart-sporting, frog-loving witches.  I'm talking about Wiccans, those nature-loving, Rede-following witches that are still taboo in today's society, but steadily gaining ground in acceptance.  The Witch's New Year begin at sunset on Samhain (pronounced "sow-en"), which is the same day everyone else celebrates Halloween.  On Samhain, Wiccans gather for a feast with family and friends, to honor the passing of love ones throughout the years, and to attempt to reach them beyond the veil.  It is also a time to finish unresolved matters, and look forward to a fresh start in the new year (which begins November 1).
     Why am I writing this on Teagan's blog?  Because Teagan is a Pagan name derived from Gaelic meaning "little poet", and it was fitting that my little Wiccan (hopefully) boy will grow up to embrace his mother's religion.  And if that doesn't work out, then he can embrace his father's Methodist religion.  Or whatever religion he chooses, but I will always hold out for a little witch boy.
     So, if you are just celebrating Halloween, or reconnecting with lost loved ones for Samhain, be safe, be mindful, and be merry.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

President Obama Signs C.A.R.A.

I'm sure most of you have heard about this already, but in the event you haven't, I have posted the link to the Autism Speaks blog post about it below.  It's still a battle in progress, but we are finally gaining ground.