Teagan was taking off his shirt one day, and he was having some trouble so he got his head stuck inside. I hear from within the confines of his shirt, "Man, it smells gnarly in here!" I started laughing, and once he got his shirt off, he came over to have me nasally inspect his armpits. Trust me, it was definitely gnarly in there. ROFLMAO
A few days before Halloween, Teagan and I were discussing carving up some pumpkins for Jack-O-Laterns, and he had this to say: "We could just poke holes into the pumpkins to make them like Swiss cheese. And then we could put a Swiss candle in there." And to that, I asked, "What is a Swiss candle?" And he says, "You jam a candle in a piece of Swiss cheese, then put it in the pumpkin." So, naturally, I asked, "What is a Swiss knife?" To which he responds, "You jam a knife into a piece of Swiss cheese, and it makes a Swiss knife. We could put the Swiss knife into the Swiss candle and put them in the pumpkin!" Sure we could. LOL
Teagan and I were playing Kirby's Epic Yarn, and he was upset because he couldn't do this one thing, so he said, "You cheat!" And I asked how? He said, "All the time on repeat and continuous games." I asked how I cheated? He said, "You are full of cheatingness." Of course I am. ROFL
Near our house is a car repair and lube shop. In the parking lot, they have a car turned upside down on its roof. One day, as we passed by, Teagan says, "Mommy, when the van stops working, can we turn it upside down?" I said, "Teagan, with me, you, daddy, mamaw and papaw, we wouldn't be able to flip it over. The car weighs like 1,000 pounds." And he said, "Well, we need to find a man or woman who weighs 1,000 pounds and have them flip it." What logic! LOL