Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Vaccine-autism link: New investigation

Vaccine-autism link: New investigation

(FOX 25 / - Congress will hold hearings Thursday about a possible link between childhood vaccination and autism -- a subject that many thought had been put to rest earlier this year when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study suggesting that research does not point to an association between the two.
But according to information discovered in documents by, at least 83 families received federal compensation for money for vaccine-related injuries. And each of the children in those 83 cases suffered from autism.

The CDC released a statement supporting their initial stance that no link between vaccines and autism exists.
Now, a group of parents -- whose children are all living with autism -- is coming forward with their research that again points to vaccine as the cause.
Heather McLennand and her son, Liam, and Richard Deth, Ph.D., a professor of pharmacology at Northeastern University, stopped by the FOX 25 Morning News to talk more about the vaccine-autism link.Read more:

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