I have changed the look of Attack of the Autism, as well as adding a new form to submit your blog or website for exchange. If you add Attack of the Autism to your blog or website, submit your information on the "Link Exchange" tab, and I will add you to the AOTA blog under "Blogs I Am Following" on my home page.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Brat Ban? OH HELL NO! 1/2
Monday, July 25, 2011
Same Ol' Song & Dance
Other than the day's normal chaos, not a whole lot has been going on. Teagan has been extremely moody, making every miserable, and we're really not sure what's making him so grouchy. He told me the other day that it's me, because I ground him all the time, and though I'm sure he is a little grouchy about that, it wouldn't cause the extreme level of contempt that we have been dealing with for the last two straight months. And though I would love to lock myself in the closet with a bottle of whiskey, that just isn't an option. Guess we'll just have to stick it out a little longer and hope that the grouchy bug goes away or gets eaten by the super huge and buff angel boy bug. lol
IT'S ALMOST OVER! - Updated new blog address
And I have a gift for you all in just a short week. A NEW TEAGANISMS POST! And it just might be his best ever. We'll see!
I will also be adding a Teaganism Poll, just to see which one is the best among my readers! Make sure you keep an eye out for all these goodies on August 1st!
And because the semester will be over by then, you have me for an entire month of posting goodies about Teagan, and all the things you have come to know and love.
Also, if you get bored of my ranting about Teagan and Autism, check out my newest blog:
Friday, July 8, 2011
My Deepest Apologies
To all my loyal readers, I apologize for being absent for so long. The summer has kept me so busy, I scarcely have time to even complete my homework. Needless to say, I haven't had time to compose blog entries, but I hope to remedy that this weekend, with something new, and in a few short weeks, the summer semester will be over, and I have will have a month reprieve, before the fall semester, so I should be able to resume my near-daily blog compositions.
As always, I am working on the latest installment of Teaganisms, which everyone seems to enjoy so much, as we enjoy experiencing them first-hand from Teagan. I hope that you will all forgive my absence, and bear with me as I find the time to continue my advocacy through blogging for Autism.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Teaganisms - Take 3
Because people are demanding new Teaganisms, I have posted this one to satisfy all you Teaganism junkies out there. It's a short one, he hasn't been very forthcoming lately, but I'm sure that will change, since his birthday is coming up, and wants/needs give way to goofiness, especially when he knows I will probably say no to his requests. Goofiness always melts the cold heart of a mother. LOL
I was sniffing Teagan's ear the other day, and he said, "Mommy, quit sniffing me." I asked why, and he said, "Quit sniffing me, sniffing is inappropriate. I don't want to be sniffed at this time." I wonder when is a good time for sniffing? LOL
My mom has a little chihuahua that she named Abbey, but I enjoy calling her other names. Not ugly, malicious names, but some of the names I call her is "Hamlet" (because she's a fat little doggie and she's just so round and cute), "Hammy", "Abbeycadaby", "Abs", "Abselot", etc. But the other day I called her "Abbacus", and asked her if I could count on her, which cracked my mom up. One day we were leaving, and I said, "Bye Abbacus, I'll see you tomorrow." And my mom says, "You can count on it." ROFL But then, Teagan says, "Bye Abbicousin". I guess he thought I was calling her "Abbicousin" instead of "Abbacus". LOL Crazy kid. He considers Abbey his cousin, since Ollie is his "little sister". Ollie, as you have already read is our dog, but obviously not just a dog, but a part of the family and a child I didn't give birth to (thank the Gods! She's a horse of a dog!!).
Teagan has poo issues, we won't even go into them here, but I'm sure they will make another post one day. So one day, after an especially rough bowel movement, he said, "that hurt like a bat who poops." Ya think? LOL
Teagan was outside blowing bubbles, and he got bubble liquid on my bench where I sit. I said, "Teagan, you got bubbles on the bench! Now I'm going to get bubbles on my butt." He said, "That's good! When you fart, you'll blow bubbles!" ROFLMAO Seriously?!?!