Friday, August 5, 2011

New Teaganisms Poll

      Because Teaganisms have become so popular, I have added a poll on the home page.  Take a second to vote for your favorite Teaganisms post.  You are able to vote for more than one.  Once the voting period is over, I will re-post the one with the most votes.  And, if I can get Teagan to do it without telling him, I will try to post a video of him actually discussing one of his famous Teaganisms.
     I am very happy to see that everyone finds these as funny as we do, when they come spewing out of his sweet little face.  He's so funny, and I don't think he even realizes it.  Keep those e-mails and comments coming about your favorite ones or just your general thoughts about the wisdom and geniusness that is Teagan.

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