Saturday, August 6, 2011

AARRGGHH!!! Gods, he frustates the hell out of me!

     My child, who is an angel in my heart and soul, always... is also a little destructive devil.  The night of his birthday party, he was playing with a Thor hammer that his daddy was quite proud to have bought him for his birthday.  And part of playing with toys, in Teagan's mind, is completely destroying said toy.  He removed all of the foam around the inside structure, just to see what was in it.  Of course, this is not always the case, but the last two weeks, this is what he has been doing to all of his toys.
     Another thing he does is, when he gets mad, he will throw his toys, and if they break upon impact, he immediately gets upset that he broke them.  We have tried to explain to him before that his anger caused him to throw his toy and break it, but he will always try to blame it on the parent or person who angered him.  Because, after all, had they not angered him, he wouldn't have thrown and broken his toy.  Or at least he says so.
     It's just so aggravating, because Gods know we don't have any money, so what he does have, was bought out of love and the sacrifice of a bill or a tank of gas.  And then he destroys it because he's pissed off.  Grr!
     Anybody else have this problem?  If so, please, please, PLEASE let me know what you do.  I've had enough of his destructive behavior, I swear I am about to get rid of all his stuff.


Rachel said...

Joey does the exact same thing. I take his stuff away for a set amount of time. Right now he has to go a week with no toys/electronics at all. A week might be impracticable for Teagan, so you would have to see what works for you. We just had a talk about anger and the blame game today with Joey...

mzfittoy said...

I hate the blame game.  It's no fun. 8(  Yeah, we are trying the grounding thing with him.  He still hasn't been able to play with all of his presents from the party.  He has gotten three of them, and one he destroyed completely.  There was nothing left but a plastic skeleton.  His daddy was very upset.  He had wanted that stupid hammer, and had talked about it for weeks, we found one, his dad gets it for him, and within hours he destroys it.  Grr!  And the only other things he's gotten is the Wii game and one of the Nerf water guns, but we are keeping a very close eye on the water gun, because over the last couple of weeks, he has completely dismantled every water gun he had, piece by piece, with a screwdriver.  I feel your pain, gurlie, it's the same as mine.  It's just very frustrating and angering.

Amber said...

Jaymes does this as well. He shredded his precious "crown book" yesterday. I feel so bad for him, it isn't replaceable. But, he did it to himself... Meh.

mzfittoy said...

That's what we tell Teagan.  He recently tore his most favorite "Fox in Socks" book in half, this book we've read almost every night for the last 3 years, and then he was upset about it.  He is so angry at the time of the destruction, but then instantly regrets what he's done, and gets so upset about it.  He's starting to realize that it's him, not us, that makes him do these things, and it's painful to watch him get so frustrated by himself, because he doesn't know how to stop.  I really hope he outgrows this.