Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Say YES To Boobies or STARVE?

     I was reading a fellow blogger's post about this, and definitely had to check it out for myself.  Basically, the article states that the government is trying to reduce obesity by nipping it in the bud at birth.  This will be accomplished by promoting breastfeeding and denying new mothers the chance to use formula while they are still in the hospital. 

     When my sweet bundle of joy was born, I wanted nothing more than to breastfeed him.  However, for some reason, my milk did not come in for a very, very long time.  I was able to get barely an ounce a day with the breast pump, and I fed him as much as I could provide.  It could be that he was born two weeks early and my body was not ready?  I do not know.  So, we had to supplement with formula to keep from starving him.  Another issue I had, which is a bit more personal, we were not compatible.  We'll just say that Teagan's mouth was too small.  I tried for two weeks to breastfeed him, and when we went to the pediatrician, she informed me he was actually losing weight instead of gaining weight.  I told her about our issues, and she said we had to move to formula.  We did, but I still used a breast pump at home, trying desperately to give him the nutrients that breast milk can provide.  It just didn't work out for us. 
     So, how is the government going to force mothers to breastfeed when there are complications?  And the public is not always tolerant of breastfeeding mothers.  People stare, they are rude and make comments, restaurant owners do not want their patrons watching women whip out a breast in order to give their child boob juice.  It's embarrassing for the mothers, inconvenient, and takes time. 
     I'm not saying that breastfeeding is not great.  It's definitely the best choice for a baby.  But not everyone can do it or is able to do it.  The government has to be understanding of this.  It's just another way for the government to control parents, and I'm getting a little sick of it.  They need to bugger off, and let parents do what they feel are best for their children.  So long as they are not those abusive or neglectful children, of course.  But perfectly good parents who are doing the best they can for their children, and their children seem relatively healthy, safe, and thriving, they just need to leave them alone.

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