Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hatred of All Things... Educational - Part 3/5

     Second grade wasn't as bad.  His one hour of resource was bumped up to one and a half hours, I absolutely hated his resource teacher this year more than the one the previous year, but his teacher was amazingly just like me.  LOL  She was firm, kind, but also knew how to make Teagan behave.  Though completing homework was still an issue, I wasn't fighting the school every day, like the year before.  For the most part, this year ended without incident...
     Except for the fact that his school got a grant to build a whole new school just for them.  It was going to be awesome.  They put in a bid for land, they took bids for their current land and school buildings, they found a buyer, they sold!  Then... the bid for the land for the new school fell through, so now the school had no school, no land, and no prospects of building a new school within a year.  So, their solution?  They decided to use all that money to merge with another school and building another building BESIDE the other school, along with a series of outbuildings that North Carolina is so wild about... which are really trailers they shove children in and pretend they are just like regular classrooms.
     During open house last summer, we learned that Teagan was going to be in a classroom the size of my bathroom x 2.  Literally, it was like a broom closet, I started calling him Harry Pottery.  His second grade teacher, always very candid and blunt with me, which I always appreciated, informed me that the other school, we'll call the new one D and the old one L, the L school was closed down until further notice because they found asbestos rampant throughout the entire building.  Like OMFG, right?  So there were these precious little babies attending school in the L building all this time, and they just NOW realized there was asbestos?!?!?!?!?  I was totally freaking out.  Once they got that cleared up, I pointedly asked his new teacher in his new classroom in the old asbestos L building if they got all the asbestos out.  She said she was sure they did, or they wouldn't let the students in there.  I looked at her like she was the stupidest woman on Earth.  Did she forget she had taught in this very classroom for I have no idea how many years with the asbestos in there???  Made me want to smack her on the spot.
     His new teacher was a useless piece of horse dung.  Never have we had so many issues with his teachers, until this year.  When that woman didn't want to deal with Teagan, she would call me to pick him up.  He missed probably half of the first quarter of school because of this bullshit.  It was totally ridiculous.  The week before Christmas break, I went and stayed with him at school all day long.  And guess what?  I didn't have a single issue.  He did his work, he got it all completed, little fuss, no trouble.  I honestly believe that teachers do not want to deal with special needs children, because it takes more effort, and they just don't care.  Now, that isn't to say all teachers, because there are some excellent special needs teachers out there who are angels in disguise.  But, regular education teachers... no, they don't want to be bothered by it.

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