Friday, May 6, 2011

Hatred of All Things... Medical - Part 1/2

     I have already ranted about my hatred for medical professionals - not all of you out there, just the ones I've had to deal with.  It all began when we had to diagnose Teagan's Infant Torticollis.  I won't bore you with a recap of how all this came about, but you are welcome to read all about it in "A Mother's Worst Fear".  As if life isn't hard enough without dealing with morons with medical licenses... 
     I guess the next time we had to diagnose our son was when we realized he had ADHD.  His then-pediatrician (who has since been replaced and was a complete tool) kept saying, "He's a normal 2 year old, he's just going through his terrible twos."  And so... when the terrible 2's became the terrorizing 3's and his ADHD symptoms were getting worse, we changed doctors, told them our suspicions and low and behold!  "He has ADHD."  No shit.  Of course, we did not want to medicate him, but the team of doctors who observed him for 8 straight hours while deciding if it was ADHD (seriously) explained to us that he was a threat to himself and others because his ADHD was so severe, which we already knew.  So, we medicated him.  I know that a lot of you out there feel strongly against this, but in our case, Teagan honestly cannot function without medication.  His mind races so fast he can't complete a single thought or action.  It's a terrible sight to watch.
     About this time, Teagan was referred to a psychologist, who we really thought was going to be helpful, but I came very close to having charges filed against me for wanting to murder him.  Seriously.  The team mentioned before had shown us the "restraint" technique for calming a child down.  Well, I saw right then that it wasn't a good idea, but I was willing to try.  This new psychologist thought it was the end all to be all of techniques, and made me restrain him for 2 hours.  He struggled, cried, and fought so hard he fell asleep from exhaustion.  That was the last time we saw him.  I do not believe in restraining any child for 2 hours, no matter what is going on.  Ridiculous.  I still hate that man.

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