Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hatred of All Things... Medical - Part 2/2

      The next in line of Moron of the Century would be the team of doctors at our local hospital in the children's behavior ward. Teagan's then-psychiatrist (who was also a tool but seemed to REALLY like my husband) had prescribed him 8 different medicines to control his ADHD at the age of 5. Instead of removing some of them, she just kept adding on new ones. So, it was decided to put him in the behavior ward to revamp his meds. This was supposed to be a one-week-at-most stay. One week turned into a 3 1/2 week stay, with me bitching at every doctor because they weren't doing anything, and there was no reason to keep him in there, when he was miserable because he only got to see us about 3 hours a day, I was miserable because he wasn't home and because he was so sad and heartbroken because he felt we were abandoning him, and because I had had enough of those <insert my favorite naughty "F" word here> doctors. (My mom reads this so I have to behave... I don't say naughty words in front of my mommy. She'd put soap in my mouth!)
     So... when Teagan got out of the behavior ward, his then-psychiatrist won a double Moron of the Century award for prescribing him the same <insert that word again> medications he was on when he went in, at the same dosage which made him manic. He didn't sleep for 2 straight days. Whose neck did I want to wring just then? A month after just getting out, he was back in the behavior ward, but I warned them, it would not be like the last time. He was scheduled to participate for the first time in a Special Olympics event for Kindergarten children in our county, and they had 4 days to fix him or else. He might not have been fixed, but he at least did sleep, and he made it to the Special Olympics event, which made me marginally happy.
     You see, the problem with his psychiatrists is that they are all students. They are doing their residency for graduation, and they are all idiots. I cannot believe they actually allow them to graduate. And the attending doctors are not much brighter. Seriously.
     Teagan has been through so many medication changes, we are revisiting medications he's already been on, because there are literally no other choices. He has been on every ADHD medication there is for his age and weight, and a few that aren't really ADHD meds, but blood pressure or depression medications also slated to treat ADHD, but of course, these do not work either. The best one we have found is Concerta.  He has been on this several times, and out of all the medications we have tried, this one seems to help at least a little.
     Adderall is the Devil, by the way. For some reason, this medication makes children in my family completely nutso and causes them to kill animals, either on purpose or by accident. When my niece was 4 (who also had ADHD and other diagnoses), she was on Adderall, and she purposely killed a hampster. She said it bit her, so she smothered it, strangled it, and swung it around until it was dead. She would retell the story without remorse, and it was right creepy hearing it from a 4 year old angel. My son killed a parakeet on Adderall, but we believe this was by accident, he was very upset about it. At this point in his life, he had an obsession with covering the parakeet (and any animal really) with blankets. The bird was on the floor, he covered it with a blanket, and apparently forgot it was there, and accidently stepped on it. Either way, Adderall also made them both very agitated, aggressive, and physically violent with other family members, so we do not even allow any medications in the same family as Adderall to be prescribed to Teagan.

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